Étendue et enjeux de l’intelligence artificielle dans les emplois professionnels : une perspective pluridisciplinaire


  • Mélanie Trottier Université du Québec ```a Montréal
  • Ewan Oiry Université du Québec à Montréal
  • Dominic Martin Université du Québec à Montréal https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7163-3943
  • Sébastien Gambs Université du Québec à Montréal
  • Anne Thibault-Bellerose Confédération des syndicats nationaux




Applications IA, éthique, ressources humaines, syndicat, informatique, étude de portée


Applications of artificial intelligence (AI) are likely to transform the work of professionals (i.e. caregivers, lawyers, teachers, social workers). This scoping review is part of a collaboration between union and research circles to identify the applications, uses and issues of AI that are documented in connection with the work of professionals. The results show that AI is very present in fields such as health, administration, law and education. Its purposes are multiple: from data archiving to decision-making, including word processing, interactions, recognition or simulation. AI could develop in many professions and create major cross-disciplinary issues, in particular around areas of competency, jobs, ethics and the functioning of organizations. Issues more specific to each profession are also identifiable. These results enable to propose a multidisciplinary discussion of these issues by dealing with ethics in the problems of consent to AI, the technological duality of AI, the role of a union in relation to AI and the computational challenge of AI explainability.


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