Leadership transformationnel et performance au travail : rôle médiateur de la motivation autonome des salariés dans un hôpital public sénégalais


  • Assane Ndao Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
  • Amar Fall Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour






This research examines the relationship between the perception of transformational leadership, the autonomous motivation of employees and their performance at work. More specifically, it explores the mediating effect of autonomous motivation, considered to be the most suitable form of motivation for the development of a sustainable performance (Gagné et Deci, 2005; Gagné et Forest, 2009; Roussel et Fall, 2021). The data come from a survey of 158 workers, drawn through a convenience sampling, of a Senegalese public hospital. The results, from a structural equations approach and the test of the indirect effects, reveal that the perception of transformational leadership has an effect on the autonomous motivation of the agents, and on their job performance. However, it does not directly affect the contextual performance of the agents. On the other hand, the autonomous motivation of agents exerts a total mediating effect between the perception of a transformational leadership and contextual performance. However, it exerts only a partial mediating effect between transformational leadership and performance in the task.


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