Applicabilité et utilité de la typologie de Larouche et al. (2012) comme outil de gouvernance, de planification et de gestion : le cas de l’Université de Moncton


  • Catherine Larouche Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
  • Denis Savard Université Laval
  • Jean-François Richard Université de Moncton
  • Gabrièle Leblanc Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
  • Pauline Jean Université Laval



Typology of conceptions of universities, evaluation, performance, academic institutions, Moncton University


The typology of conceptions of Universities of Larouche et al. (2012) was developed and validated to assess the performance of academic institutions. This typology comprises seven types of conceptions  (Academic, Public Service, Market, Entrepreneurial, Political, Living Environment, and Learning Organization). Eight administrators from Moncton University were met during semi-structured interviews to judge the typology’s applicability in the governance, planning, and management processes of academic institutions. The purpose of this communication is to report, on the one hand, on the perception of the leaders encountered through the identification of present concepts and significant realities at this university, and on the other hand, on the typology’s usefulness as a tool for governance, planning, evaluation or management.



How to Cite

Larouche, C., Savard, D., Richard, J.-F., Leblanc, G., & Jean, P. (2018). Applicabilité et utilité de la typologie de Larouche et al. (2012) comme outil de gouvernance, de planification et de gestion : le cas de l’Université de Moncton. Revue Organisations & Territoires, 27(1), 1–16.


