Impacts du street marketing sur l’expérience utilisateur des agents de l’État dans les organisations publiques camerounaises en contexte pandémique
This article aims to understand how alternative communication models, such as street marketing, affect the user experience of public officials in a covid-19 context, based on the case of Cameroon. The pilot sample comprises ten (10) public officials interviewed in ten (10) public organizations using the semi-structured interview technique. The results of the manual and automated content analysis (via Nvivo 10) underline that street marketing, through aspects linked to product distribution and public dialogue, brings substantial benefits in terms of user experience in the environment studied. In this dynamic, user experience is translated from two angles: through behavioral experience on the one hand, and positive emotional consequences on the other. In this context, research has shown that operational street marketing maneuvers in the public sphere, in the context of Covid-19, have an impact on the strategic and organizational functioning of structures, by increasing the leverage of population protection and the reinforcement of barrier measures in the context of Covid-19. In addition, certain managerial aspects such as participation, the promotion of freedom of expression, solidarity and better organization functioning are public values unveiled in this framework and which contribute to improving the socio-security efficiency of public structures in terms of relational proximity between the State and citizens in terms of public health.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Mireille Bityé Mendomo, Félix Zogning , Roland Ewodo Meka, Donelle Biye’e Olinga

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