Enjeux et facteurs de réussite d’un projet d’implantation d’un système d’information géographique dans une municipalité du Québec
change management, geographic information system, monitoring urban planning, action researchAbstract
The absence or lack of experience in monitoring territories in Quebec, combined with the shortcomings and still limited use of geographic information systems (GIS) in urban planning, represents a challenge, and even a risk, for municipal organizations. Mobilizing the principles of action-research and observational participation, this research project explores ways to promote successful technological adoption and implementation in a municipal context. Carried out in two iterative loops, the research identifies a six-step implementation process that translates into practical recommendations. From a theoretical point of view, the research contributes to a description and a better understanding of the management of technological change in Quebec municipalities. Among other things, it emphasizes the importance of clear planning when adopting territorial monitoring systems, then highlights a flexible and evolutionary process during their implementation, which is based on effective communication between the actors.
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