Gestion des connaissances et des innovations en production maraichère traditionnelle : vers l’urbanisation des serres intelligentes
Smart agriculture, urbanization, sustainable development, 4.0 technology, C-K model, smart greenhousesAbstract
Agriculture is the cornerstone of any society. Its importance is essential to offer quality food at lower costs. This is one of the actual challenges facing our society. The logistics chain needs to be reviewed to adapt to the new reality. Organic and local products must be offered in greater quantity and diversity. The province of Quebec benefits from countless resources and advantages to enable significant expansion. However, with its short summer and its harsh winter, we must rethink the cultivation model to adapt it to the lifestyle of the population. Making agriculture more efficient thanks to new technologies is becoming the vision of many farmers and researchers. To offer a duplicable and efficient technological model, we must be able to fully understand the surrounding parameters. Controlling these parameters will make it possible to recreate them and adapt them to different societal lifestyles. Sharing knowledge and collecting data will allow a more innovative vision of these models while respecting traditional methods adapted to the automation engineer and the autonomy of programmable systems.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Myriam Larouche-Tremblay, Claudiane Ouellet-Plamondon, Stéphane Godbout
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