Proposition d’une démarche réflexive dans les services de santé : argumenter dans une perspective éthique ou… l’art de se justifier


  • Marc Jean Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
  • Didier Benoit Institut Régional de Travail Social de Lorraine



Describe, decide, argue, justify, act


The art of debating in our various professional and organizational environments is part of our daily lives. Another reality must be taken into account during this process of deliberation, when the time comes to justify oneself. Answering “because” to the question “why” can fall within several fields. How does this main fact of justification in the deliberation process take on a particular note when it comes to entering it in an ethical perspective? This is what the authors modestly set out to address, by proposing a reflexive approach illustrated by three French context situation setups in the health, social and medical-social fields.


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How to Cite

Jean, M., & Benoit, D. (2024). Proposition d’une démarche réflexive dans les services de santé : argumenter dans une perspective éthique ou… l’art de se justifier. Revue Organisations & Territoires, 33(1), 177–191.



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