Mieux soutenir et accompagner l’innovation et l’entrepreneuriat en Abitibi-Témiscamingue : la consultation des acteurs de l’écosystème


  • Jean-Samuel Cloutier Université Laval




Innovation, economic growth, entrepreneurship, territorial and regional


To assist the players of the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region of Quebec and support the improvement of decision-making in terms of support and assistance, we approached this task in three steps: a literature review, a stakeholder consultation, and a survey. This article focuses on the first and second steps of this initiative. During the consultation, 28 ecosystem players were questioned. It allowed for a better understanding of the challenges and solutions, identifying available support services, and highlighting best practices and key success factors. In addition to confirming the interest in proceeding with a regional and territorial survey, recommendations have been made in this regard. These surveys must not overlook the aspects of representativity, comparability and scientific robustness, the aspects of regional and territorial consulting and leadership, and the aspects of the vision of support and assistance as a relationship with a human dimension.


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How to Cite

Cloutier, J.-S. (2024). Mieux soutenir et accompagner l’innovation et l’entrepreneuriat en Abitibi-Témiscamingue : la consultation des acteurs de l’écosystème. Revue Organisations & Territoires, 33(1), 103–120. https://doi.org/10.1522/revueot.v33n1.1716



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