Les communs urbains comme concept de participation territoriale et citoyenneté urbaine : deux études de cas à Bologne, en Italie


  • Charmain Levy Université du Québec en Outaouais
  • Marco Alberio Université de Bologne
  • Rebecca Plachesi Université de Bologne




Urbain commons, Bologna, citizenship, participation, social movement


Urban commons as a concept and social practice represent a new socio-economic and territorial logic in sustainable urbanism. They take different forms and include several social groups, generating numerous ideas and practices, sometimes new and sometimes in continuity with the past. Experiences of how urban commons contribute to debates are explored in territorial studies, particularly around issues of citizen participation and territorial governance. Through two case studies of urban commons in the city of Bologna in Italy, the structural and contextual conditions that led to their creation are analysed, and the associative dynamics are developed. This article offers an overview of how these projects contribute to participatory territorial development by comparing six elements: inclusion and democratic practices; needs targeted and met; appropriation of urban space; political aspect; feminist values and practices; and ecological values and practices.


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How to Cite

Levy, C., Alberio, M., & Plachesi, R. (2024). Les communs urbains comme concept de participation territoriale et citoyenneté urbaine : deux études de cas à Bologne, en Italie. Revue Organisations & Territoires, 33(1), 9–23. https://doi.org/10.1522/revueot.v33n1.1710



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