NousRire : étude de cas d’une entreprise québécoise repensant la marque responsable traditionnelle
NousRire, small business, social economy, volunteeringAbstract
Founded in 2015, NousRire is a small, profit-making Quebec company whose mission is to "make accessible excellent quality non-perishable organic food, while saving money and creating a positive impact on the Earth and its inhabitants". The company gives customers the opportunity to order online and pick up their items at specific locations on "packing days." The food is available in bulk to minimize waste generation. Over 500 volunteers work on these days to distribute food in the containers of customers who pack their orders themselves. NousRire consists of 18 self-managed "cells" established in various regions of Quebec, including Estrie, Abitibi, the Laurentians and Montreal. The business operates with the participation of 2000 volunteers and approximately 20 employees.