Laboratoires vivants en innovation sociale et coconstruction des connaissances dans les villes : les cas du TIESS (Montréal) et de l’OBISF (Florianópolis)


  • Thiago Magalhaes ESG-UQAM
  • Annie Camus ESG-UQAM
  • Carolina Andion Université d'État de Santa Catarina
  • Sonia Tello-Rozas ESG-UQAM



Social innovation, town, e Social Innovation Living Labs, SILL, Canada, Montreal, TIESS, Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire, Brazil, OBISF, Observat ory of social innovation of Floriannópolis


The debate linking social innovation and cities has expanded in recent decades. This debate highlights the interest created by the processes of knowledge co-construction that take place in the Social Innovation Living Labs. This article presents a conceptual and analytical approach to SILL and also describe and put in perspective two international experiences of SILLs’ implementation in cities: the Observatory of social innovation of Floriannópolis (OBISF) in Brazil and the Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire (TIESS) in Montreal, Canada. Although they emerge in different realities and contexts, with specific methodologies of implementation, which are presented in the text, the discussion and analysis of the two cases provide some learning clues about the challenges and perspectives on collective learning to reinforce dynamics of social innovation in the context of the city.



How to Cite

Magalhaes, T., Camus, A., Andion, C., & Tello-Rozas, S. (2020). Laboratoires vivants en innovation sociale et coconstruction des connaissances dans les villes : les cas du TIESS (Montréal) et de l’OBISF (Florianópolis). Revue Organisations & Territoires, 29(2), 1–13.



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