Les jeunes francophones et l’Afrique. Une piste pour les défis démographiques et économiques des régions ressources du Québec


  • Abdoul Echraf Ouedraogo Université du Québec en Outaouais




Quebec (Province), regions, demographic devitalization


Quebec's resource regions are experiencing a cycle of demographic devitalization, where successive regional development policies and programs do not seem to have an effect. These policies focus mainly on enhancing economic potential, stimulating entrepreneurship and promoting centres of excellence, that are all lacking in the regions. However, by focusing on what is lacking in the regions, the strategies promoted
minimize significant assets of these regions: firstly, the institutional capital and the potential of the products and services that its institutions could provide; secondly, the location advantage of these regions of Quebec, whose needs complementarity with other francophone regions of the world is striking. This article points out that Quebec regions have every interest in taking advantage of the diversity and number of organizations and institutions that mesh regional territories. It also points out the educational, cultural and artistic advantages that these institutions can provide in the growing global market of education, culture and leisure activity.



How to Cite

Ouedraogo, A. E. (2019). Les jeunes francophones et l’Afrique. Une piste pour les défis démographiques et économiques des régions ressources du Québec. Revue Organisations & Territoires, 28(1), 13–23. https://doi.org/10.1522/revueot.v28n1.1019



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